Thursday, August 6

My last blog was written under the influence of alcohol. I don’t even know what I was trying to say. Regarding my lack of blogage, my friend Melly said, “It’s like you got sick or injured or died 2 years ago.” HOW AWFUL!!
I vowed then and there to start writing again.
No, I have not fallen ill, I have fallen in love!
I’m pondering my lack of focus, really… My ability to concentrate has been compromised and I am forced to ask myself “why?” Abraham say’s “Genius is really only the ability to focus”. Somehow I totally get this concept; maybe love just makes me stupid? Probably get no argument there… In any case, I feel like I am coming around, or landing, or whatever. I can relax, focus, be me, do me stuff and be in love. Maybe I feel more secure now. I am confident I won’t be left behind because I’m too difficult or too fat. Maybe it’s the B-12/6 shots. WHATEVER. Here it is and I’m going with it.

I’m going to sum the love part up here and now and then promise to lay the topic to rest.
I still after two years, very much look forward to next thing out of Zac’s mouth.
My boy is hysterical and these examples prove my point.

Him: I never liked Pac-man.
Me: How come?
Him: I don’t like being chased the whole time; I want to be the chaser.

While watching Steel Magnolia’s… chick dying, all sad…
Him: Is your vagina glowing like when Orks are near Frodo’s sword “Sting”?

Me: Wow! Did your mom paint that tiger on the wall?
Him: (yells from the next room) Yes. It’s an Asian predator.

Me: What’s the opposite of nocturnal?
Him: Diurnal. (No pause what-so-ever)

(While begging to leave his house and not knowing why he is still watching an internet war scene)
Me: Why are we still sitting here?
Him: 3000 rounds per minute baby, that’s why.

(While watching some new age lady on the Dog Whisperer talk about the “journey” she and her dog are on together)
Me: No human being should ever say the word journey.
Him: “Yeah, that should be reserved for hobbits only. Unless your Bilbo Baggins don’t say it.”

(Again TV)
Me: He seems gay.
Him: Yeah, He’s got some sugar in his tank.

He calls little dogs “high-steppers”.

He also tells me he loves me “more than a fat kid loves cake” and that I am his favorite person.

Need I say more?