It's late, I'm tired. I cannot go to bed without saying this:
My friends are the greatest people, we chose each other well. People have left me the most heartfelt messages, made amazing efforts, been there..
Old friends have resurfaced this week in such amazing ways.
I am so thankful to have Jon back, I missed you, you silly Bostonian.
All my old crew from Lower Haight found me on "my space". A forum I once chastised has become a useful tool indeed.
"Nicknak" from my mission machine shop days, called after a year or so. Apparently I'm still his active "Costco Wife". He continues to pay my executive membership every year though I haven't even lived in SF for over 2 years. What a cool guy. He has the biggest heart. I'm sorry to hear Roy passed. Rest in peace my friend.
Justin and Deanna have one of the cutest babies I have ever seen. I expected no less. What I didn't expect was for them to roll into town(driving back up north after camping in Joshua Tree) and call and invite me to have lunch ONE BLOCK from where I was standing. Little Iris and I are bounded souls, I dreamt of her 13 years ago while living at "the ranch" in Isla Vista. We fell in love immediately. Justin and Deanna set the bar for great marriages. We should all be so lucky.

Ariadne, my special Hawaii pal, moved to SF and just happened to call on my birthday. She doesn't even know that yet.
This sums it up best
Lastly, I'll keep your names private but..
i'm so glad to read your blog and see your pussy! I didn't know you had one. He's adorable. You're the shiznit. xoxoxo.
You spelled Haight wrong.
ahhh, so this is leo... i love him. i already love him & he already loves me. and we both love you & you love both of us... ok, i'm gonna stop now.
Awe... Melly, you're so sweet my Wonder Twin.And Razzle, what do I say about Razzle? CUTEST DOG EVER!
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