Friday, September 21

Rain! Finally! Rain!

I have missed the rain soooooo much! It is raining hard right now! First time since I moved into this lil' cabin and can I just say? I think I have died and gone to heaven. It's like my Waipio house with electricity. And windows. And indoor plumbing. And Internet access. And no raging river or 2,000 ft. waterfall. OK, it's nothing like Waipio except that it's cute and rustic and peaceful.
Here come the sirens. Welcome to LA. I bet there are 70 accidents right now on the freeways. The problem here is partly this:
The combination of many high performance, ultra expensive, vehicles and the ego maniacs that drive them, combined with tourist and (pls. don't take offense because I practically fall into this category) the "help" in beat up cars that came from mostly third world countries. The outcome is many angry horn blowers in cars they will never be able to drive the way or speed in which they were intended, and several scared nannies and gardeners in Toyota Corollas and pick-ups going 30 miles an hour causing several accidents on already congested freeways and side streets. Luckily, I do not have my life set up in a way that requires me to drive very often in this mess. Can you say "GUESTHOUSE!"? Yes, live among the wealthy in which you service and be OK with the fact that everyone on the block knows you and your car belong in Hollywood! Receive dirty looks sometimes because you have independently lowered the value of your neighbors houses with your dented 1998 Mitsubishi. Sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am from Cleveland, and I have driven in LA exactly 5 times.

And each time it scared the living shit out of me.

Glad you don't have to drive much. The Sig Alerts are far too frequent!