Friday, July 6

18 reasons Ojai will be my home someday

"Meditation Mountain" where my prayer "please God please help me stop being a jealous little bitch." was said. See older posts if you are confused as to why.
It totally didn't work BTW...Well, maybe a little.

Love love love you guys!!!!


Anonymous said...

'oh lord, i'm stuck in ojai again'. ok, i know it's 'lodi' but somehow ojai fits.

you know, DD, your meditation needs some work because when you think "jealous bitch" that's what you'll stay/become. you have to think "kind, loving woman [who likes being trampled on]".

stefany said...

Well, I was trying to be funny. It really went like this.. "release this toxic poison inside my heart (visualize grey, sutt and smoke and crap) and replace it with unconditional love for myself and all humans (visualize pink and green light around my heart.) I was feeling kinda sassy up there though, for some reason. It didn't come so easy. I think I was empowered by my bitchyness, easier to access.

Anonymous said...

'unconditional love' is a crock of shit, IMHO. it keeps people (mostly women) locked into bad relationships. bitchyness, on the other hand, is empowering so i say put your canoe in that wait, paddle your canoe with the flow...dang it, what is it those abrahams say?

anyway i just loves yo' sassy side so stick with that :o)

stefany said...

Don't give me free range to be sassy and bitchy, someone could lose an eye!
DD (darling daughter)

Anonymous said...

Unconditional love is reserved for cats...bunnies...and cute children - definitely not for bad boys! Stef is the most beautiful woman and I am honored to be a part of her world (and honored to hear about all of the affects of the "cleansing"!)

As for good ol' feminine bitchiness...sign me up!! We need more sassiness in this world! :)