Wednesday, July 11

Day three begins..

"Inspiration comes forth from within. It's what the light burning within you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don't do it, there will be negative repercussions. Motivation is making myself do something that I don't really want to do. Inspiration is having the clear picture of what I am wanting -- and letting Universal forces come into play to get the outcome."
I liked today's quote. It makes alot of sense. Am I inspired to write or motivated? Inspired.
Let's recap.
I ate only homemade veggie soup with TONS of organic veggies, garlic, jalapeno pepper, ginger, cayenne, parsley, and cilantro on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Monday and Tuesday I have only had sea salt water in the morning and then the lemon concoction all day. This will be the case until the end of Wednesday the 18Th.
The headache I experienced on day one and half of day two were nothing short of horrific. Still even though the pain was so present, and other circumstances regarding my same ol' broken-hearted-ness, my outlook has been amazing. I love waking up naturally at 6 AM. I love feeling light on my feet again and in full awareness mode. When you are not eating ANYTHING, many things happen.
This is such a meditative experience. I am always taking care of myself, monitoring my physical and emotional meter. It's a strong feeling of self-love, these extreme circumstances that I am sticking to for my own importance, it feels good.
I miss food and coffee but I'm not DYING to have it or feeling all that hungry. In fact when I have gone into stores to get distilled water or something, all the food looks disgusting and toxic. This is not the case at Whole Foods, therefore I cannot even step into that store for another 7 days. The lemon, maple syrup, and cayenne are supposed to provide enough calories and nutrition to keep you from extreme hunger and it works. I think about making Peet's Coffee and it seems so decadent right now. My appreciation for delicious rich food is renewed. I love rich, creamy, salty, food. Hopefully now I can enjoy small amounts of it and really stop and slowly enjoy it instead of wolfing things down. God, if I didn't massage for a living I would probably be HUGE. I saw this chubby teenage girl eating french fries with such vigor yesterday it was scary. She could not eat them fast enough. She truly looked like a junkie getting her fix after days without.
My bond with Jacqueline is at an all time high. We are in touch every few hours for phone support and its terrific. When "circumstances" regarding the "heart-breaker" occurred yesterday she was right there too. She and I have the ability to throw ourselves int he other persons shoes, access how it would feel and the also give an outsiders loving perspective. That is the kind of friendship that never goes away. People can be so lazy and self-centered with one another. My friends never are. Not my really close ones.
I filled my house with plants and flowers and candles.(coincidentally my client gave me a beautiful glass aromatherapy candle last night. She knew I loved the one she always had burning so she got me one. What a sweetheart. I have the BEST clients).It smells delicious and looks divine too. An old "friend" came over last night for a visit and he got tears in his eyes when he saw my house. He kept saying how good it feels in here. It does. I love it too.
I hope this cleanse catapults me into a new behavior. I would like to try eating raw for a while but it is a huge lifestyle commitment that seems more confining than freeing at times but maybe I'll try it. I'll tackle that subject after these next 7 days are finished.
My body looks good. I haven't felt that way for a while. I think I lost about 6 pounds already and I'm walking or stair climbing everyday (except for day 1,the headache was too debilitating). This is good. I'm really enjoying this time.

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