Friday, August 3

the ox and the boar meet again

Tonight I see the punk rock cowboy again. This has been the longest week of my life. We have been textin' fools. I am suddenly terrified.
"Will he still think I'm cute?
He's way too good looking for me, he could be with anyone.
Was he just drunk before? Will he think I'm fat?"
Oh GAWD. Make me stop! The same thing happened with the Bee Charmer and I survived.Why do I date men prettier than me? I think I have a problem.
So, wish me luck world. Ox's are steady, habitual, kind, and dedicated.
Boars like me are decadent, freewheelin', and happy. Can this even work?
You couldn't stop me from finding out if there was dynamite attached to me feet.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I'm a boar too (although I prefer to call myself a pig)...and seem to be surrounded by boss, for one.

You sound like my kinda gal.